Yariv Itzkovich

Personal Profile

Yariv is currently heading the Department of Human Resource Management (B.A) at the Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee. He started his career as an H.R. divisional manager in the local high-tech industry. In 2010, after completing his PhD, which was focused on managers’ uncivil behaviours and their interrelations with OCB and psychological contract violation, he joined the college. Yariv teaches various courses, such as research methods and organizational behaviour in B.A and M.A programs.

Research Interests

Yariv’s work central theme is researching incivility in workplaces and educational institutions (typically academic institutions). In this respect, he focuses on the dark side of leadership, ethical climate, moral disengagement and their relations with emotional intelligence.

Selected Publications

Itzkovich, Y., Alt, D., & Dolev, N. (2020). The Challenges Of Academic Incivility: Social-Emotional Competencies Ad Redesign Od Learning Environments As Remedies. Springer.

Itzkovich Y. (2021). Why do leaders behave uncivil: a new perspective on workplace mistreatment and power. Wirtschaftspsychologie (in press).

Dolev N., Itzkovich, Y., Fisher-Shalem, O. (2020). A Call for Transformation –

EVLN in Response to Workplace Incivility. Work. (in press).

Itzkovich, Y., Heilbrunn, S., & Aleksić, A. (2020). Full range indeed? The forgotten dark side of leadership, Journal Of Management Development, (in press).

Itzkovich, Y., Dolev, N., & Cohen- Shnaper, M.(2020). Does incivility impact the quality of work-life and ethical climate of nurses? International Journal of Workplace Health Management (in press).

Dolev, N., & Itzkovich, Y. (2019). Rudeness is not only a kids’ problem:  Incivility Against Preschool Teachers and its impacts. Current Psychology.

Itzkovich, Y., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). The role of co-workers’ solidarity as an antecedent of incivility and deviant behaviour in organizations. Deviant Behavior, 37(8), 861-876.

Itzkovich, Y., & Dolev, N. (2016). The Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and Perceptions of Faculty Incivility in Higher Education. Do Men and Women Differ? Current Psychology, 1-14.

Itzkovich, Y., & Alt, D. (accepted for publication). The dark side of teachers’ behaviour and its impact on students’ reactions: A comprehensive framework to assess college students’ reactions to faculty incivility. In A. Weinberger (Ed.), Professionals ethos, and Education for responsibility. Rotterdam: Sense.

Itzkovich Y., & Dolev N. (accepted for publication). Incivility, Empathy, and Ethical Work Climate among Hospital Staff in Israel- A Study Within the Framework of Moral Disengagement Theory. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives in Corporate Social Performance and Policy – The Middle Eastern Perspective. Charlotte, NC, USA: Age Publishing.