Personal Profile
Dr Sarah MacCurtain has been working in the University of Limerick since 2004 and is currently a senior lecturer in Kemmy Business School. She teaches Organizational Behaviour there and has been Course Director of the MSc in HRM. She is also the Co-Director of the Strategic Healthcare Management Research Group.
Sarah received her PhD from Aston Business School in 2005 and has since co-authored publications inclusive of books, monographs, book chapters, journal articles and conference papers. Her articles have been published in journals such as Management Revue, Personnel Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Industrial and labor Relations Review, Academy of Management Best paper proceedings and Irish Journal of Management.
Research Interests
Sarah’s continuing research interests include top management teams, trust and organizational performance, bullying, employee stress and well-being, organisational climate and innovation.
Selected Publications
MacMahon, J., O’Sullivan, M., Murphy, C., Ryan, L. and MacCurtain, S. (2018). Speaking up or staying silent in bullying situations: the significance of management control. Industrial Relations Journal, 49(5-6), pp.473-491.
Hodgins, M., Pursell, L., Hogan, V., MacCurtain, S., Mannix-McNamara, P. and Lewis, D., (2018) ‘Irish workplace behaviour study’, report submitted to the IOSH Research Committee.
Mannix McNamara, P., Fitzpatrick, K., MacCurtain, S. and O’Brien, M. (2018) ‘Workplace bullying and redress procedures: experiences of teachers in Ireland’, Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 13(1), pp.79-97.
MacCurtain, S., Murphy, C., O’Sullivan, M., MacMahon, J. and Turner, T. (2017). To stand back or step in? Exploring the responses of employees who observe workplace bullying. Nursing Inquiry, 25(1), p.e12207.
Hodgins, M., McNamara, P., MacCurtain, S. (2013) ’Workplace Bullying and Incivility: A systematic Review of Interventions’ International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 7 (1,) 54-72, http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/IJWHM-08-2013-0030
Hodgins, M., MacCurtain, S., Mannix-McNamara, P. (2014) “Workplace bullying and incivility: a systematic review of interventions”, International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 7 (1) 54 – 72.
J.P.Guthrie, Flood, P.C., Liu, W., Mac Curtain, S. and Armstrong, C.A. (2011) Big Hat, No Cattle? High Performance Work Systems and Executives’ Perceptions of HR Capability, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, 8, 1672-1685
Armstrong, C., Flood, P., Guthrie, J., Liu, W., MacCurtain, S. and Mkamwa, T (2010) “The Impact of Diversity and Equality Management on Firm Performance: Beyond high performance work systems”, Human Resource Management 49 (6), 977-998.
MacMahon, J., MacCurtain, S. and O’Sullivan M. (2009) ‘Bullying in Healthcare Organizations’ in Jeffrey Braithwaite, Paula Hyde, Catherine Pope (eds) Culture and Climate in Health Care Organizations. Palgrave Macmillan.
MacCurtain, S. and West, M.A. (2009), “Top Management teams and team working” in Clegg, S (Ed) Handbook of Organisational Behaviour, Sage: London
Guthrie, J., Flood, P., Liu, W. and MacCurtain, S. (2009) High Performance Work Systems In Ireland: Human Resource And Organizational Outcomes, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (1), 112-125.
Morley, M., Moore, S., Heraty, N., Linehan, M. and MacCurtain, S. (2004), Principles of Organisational Behaviour, An Irish Text, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
Flood, P., MacCurtain, S. and M. West (2001), Effective Top Management Teams, Dublin: Blackhall Publishing, endorsed by Andrew Kakabadse, Cranfield; John Hunt, London Business School and the Irish Management Institute amongst others.
De Dreu, C. K., West, M., Fischer, A. MacCurtain, S. (2001), “Origins and consequences of emotions in organisational teams” in: R.L. Payne and Cooper, C (Eds), Emotions at Work, J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK.
Flood, P., O’Donnell, D. and MacCurtain, S. (2000), “Top Management Teams, Organisational Architecture and Performance: The Case of Asea Brown Boverii” in: Morley, M. and N. Heraty, (Eds), Analysing Strategic Management, Dublin: Gill and Macmillan
Flood, P., N. Heraty, M. Morley and S. McCurtain (eds.) (1997), The European Union and the Employment Relationship, Dublin: Oak Tree Press.