Personal Profile
Declan Fahie is a Lecturer in Education at the School of Education, University College Dublin, where he is Director of Research and Director of School Placement on the Professional Masters in Education (PME). He has published nationally and internationally on workplace bullying in schools, qualitative research methodologies, teacher effectiveness and queer issues in education. Declan has provided training for a number of trade unions and NGOs on workplace conflict, and has presented papers at international peer-reviewed education and bullying conferences.
Having worked as a teacher for almost 20 years, in 2012 Declan was awarded a prestigious two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship from the Irish Research Council (IRC). In 2014, he received a Royal Irish Academy (RIA) mobility award to travel as Visiting Scholar to the Centre for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York (CUNY). , Declan is Principal Investigator on a number of national funded projects, focussing on issues of diversity in Initial Teacher education (Higher Education Authority), queer issues for teachers educators (Department of Children and Youth Affairs) and social justice in STEM (Science Foundation Ireland).
Research Interests
Declan’s research interests include: workplace bullying, qualitative research methodologies, organisational cultures, heteronormativity, queer theory, initial teacher education and school effectiveness.
Selected Publications
Fahie, D. (2019). The lived experience of toxic leadership in Irish higher education. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Fahie, D., Quilty, A. and DePalma Ungaro, R. (eds.) (2019) Queer Teaching -Teaching Queer London: Routledge
Fahie, D. and McGillicuddy, D., (2018) The (Un) questionable challenges of sample access, recruitment and retention in contemporary workplace bullying research. Concepts, Approaches and Methods, pp.1-30.
Fahie, D., Quilty, A. and DePalma Ungaro, R. (eds.) (2017) Editorial “Queer Teaching -Teaching Queer” Special Edition Irish Educational Studies 36(1),1-2
Fahie, D. (2017) Faith of Our Fathers – lesbian, gay and bisexual teachers’ attitudes towards the teaching of religion in Irish denominational primary schools. Irish Educational Studies 36 (1), 9-24
Fahie, D. (2016) “‘Spectacularly exposed and vulnerable”– how Irish equality legislation subverted the personal and professional security of lesbian, gay and bisexual teachers. Sexualities 19: 393-411. doi: 10.1177/1363460715604331
Fahie, D. (2014). Blackboard bullies: workplace bullying in primary schools. Irish Educational Studies, 33(4), pp.435-450.
Fahie, D. and Devine, D. (2012). The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Primary School Teachers and Principals. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58(2), pp.235-252.
Fahie, D. (2014). Doing Sensitive Research Sensitively: Ethical and Methodological Issues in Researching Workplace Bullying. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13(1), pp.19-36.
Fahie, D. and Devine, D. (2012). The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Primary School Teachers and Principals. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58(2), pp.235-252.
(Non-Peer Reviewed)
Fahie (2017) Methodology Matters – In-Depth Interviews in Qualitative Workplace Bullying Research Newsletter International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment 9 (13), 14-17.
Fahie, D. (2016) LGB Teachers in Irish Primary Schools – Ongoing Issues in Mooney, B. (ed.) Education Matters Dublin: Mitchell.
Fahie, D. (2012) Gay teachers! Seriously? InTouch (December edition) Dublin: INTO
Devine, D., Fahie, D., McGillicuddy, D, MacRuairc, G and Harford, J. (2011) Report on the use of the ISTOF (International System of Teacher Observation and Feedback) protocol in Irish schools – Challenges, Issues and Teacher Effect Unpublished Report commissioned by the Department of Education and Skills