Christine Deasy

Personal Profile

Christine is currently Head of Department of Nursing and Midwifery in University of Limerick. She has previously worked as a psychiatric nurse at staff nurse and clinical nurse manager grades in a range of hospital and community-based settings. She was appointed as a Nurse Tutor to the School of Nursing at St Joseph’s Hospital, Limerick in 2002 before taking up a post as a lecturer in University of Limerick a year later. Christine is since teaching on both undergraduate and post graduate programmes and completed her PhD research thesis in 2016 titled “Psychological distress, coping and lifestyle behaviour of higher education nursing/midwifery and teacher education students in one university in Ireland”. Christine was the Course Director for the BSc Nursing (mental health) and is currently Head of Department role in June 2017.   

Research Interests

Christine’s research interests include health promotion, student health, mental health and reflective practice. 

Selected Publications

Deasy, C. and Mannix‐McNamara, P. (2017) Challenging Performativity in Higher Education: Promoting a Healthier Learning Culture in Renes, S. (ed.) Global Voices in Higher Education. Publisher: InTech, under CC BY 3.0 license ISBN 978-953-51-3230-1,    DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.68736 

Deasy, C., Coughlan, B., Pironom, J., Jourdan, D. and Mannix-McNamara, P. (2016). Psychological distress and help seeking amongst higher education students: findings from a mixed method study of undergraduate nursing/midwifery and teacher education students in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, 35(2), pp.175-194. 

Jourdan, D., Simar, C., Deasy, C., Carvalho, G. and Mannix McNamara, P. (2016). School health promotion and teacher professional identity. Health Education, 116(2), pp.106-122. 

Deasy, C., Coughlan, B., Pironom, J., Jourdan, D. and Mannix-McNamara, P. (2014). Psychological Distress and Coping amongst Higher Education Students: A Mixed Method Enquiry. PLoS ONE, 9(12), p.e115193. 

Deasy, C. and Coughlan, B. (2013). “You Can’t Help Getting into a Heap about It.” Student Stress in Initial Teacher Education. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 4(4), pp.1324-1331.